Lu Netta リニューアルオープンコンサート
レストランでのリニューアルオープン記念の演奏で、ソロでの篠笛演奏は初めてとの事。緊張していたらしいけど周りは和やかな雰囲気で、本人も解説を交えながらしっかりお話しをしていたので、さすがと思いました。 お客様を楽しませ、巻き込むのがライブ。演奏、良かったです。最後のオリジナル曲が一番キャッチーで好きでした。
We went to see a solo concert of shinobue player Nakadai-san, who I used to work with, at renewal opening of an Italian restaurant in Narashino. As we had moon viewing party before that in Kamakura, we had to go all the way down to Chiba in rush to make it on time.
Although it was her first solo concert and she was nervous, (according to her) her performance was amazing as well as her talking with descriptions of each song which audience really enjoyed. Such a great concert! I loved her first original song played last the best.