

一昨日は赤坂にてレナード衛藤さんのダンスアンサンブルコンサートへ、今度ご一緒させて頂く山内利一さんも出演でしたので行って来ました。 ダンサーの皆さんは、半端なく鍛えているのがすぐわかりました。阿部一成さんのキレーーーな篠笛。2人もしくはソロのみで叩く太鼓。利一さん、さすがでした。 また、観客席では久しぶりの再会もあり、顔見知りが沢山いて、コンサートって社交会でもあるなぁと思った次第でした。 

As the second rehearsal is approaching, my mind is being too busy these days.

On Wednesday, we went to see the dance ensemble concert by taiko player Leonard Eto-san, since Reach-san, who I will play together in the end of this year, was also one of the performers in it. We could tell that the dancers were trained very hard, and were impressed by the beautiful sound of fue (Japanese flute) by Abe Kazunari-san. Taiko was played either solo or two performers by Leonard-san and Reach-san, and it was amazing. I also had some small reunions with people by coincidence. I learned that a concert is not only that but also social event... ​

Hiroyuki Saito / Taiko Drummer

和太鼓奏者 斎藤広之 公式ホームページ Official website of Taiko Drummer, Hiroyuki Saito


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